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Rachelle Carrie
I help thought-leaders think outside of the box
Available for
- Coaching ,
- Consultancy ,
- Guest Appearance ,
- Panel Participation ,
- Speaking ,
- Training and Workshops
- Communication ,
- Conflict Management ,
- Conflict Resolution ,
- Conscious Inclusion ,
- Corporate Culture ,
- Diversity ,
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion ,
- Emotional Intelligence ,
- Generational Issues ,
- Health and Wellbeing ,
- Leadership ,
- Leadership Development ,
- Leading Teams ,
- Management ,
- Managing Organizations ,
- Managing People ,
- Managing Uncertainty ,
- Managing Yourself ,
- Motivation and Inspiration ,
- Organizational Culture ,
- Personal Development ,
- Relationships ,
- Self-Esteem ,
- Unconscious Bias
Biography highlights
I have authored two Amazon e-books: Emotional Intelligence, A Tool Kit For Managing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion In The Workplace & Know Yourself To Know Your Employee. I bring a plethora of enthusiasm, vision, and authentic style to all audiences & clients!